Industrial Doors & Perception

Industrial Doors & Perception

The phrase ‘when one door closes, another one opens’ is often used to lend compassion to someone who has been denied access to an opportunity they had their heart set on. Hidden within the phrase is the implication that a person’s perception of what is behind the door...
Modern Problems: Industrial Door Solutions

Modern Problems: Industrial Door Solutions

Industrial roller shutter doors date all the way back to 1882 in Switzerland – a notoriously cold climate. Originally made of wood, since the Victorian era times have changed for the better, leading to the creation of the robust and reliable industrial roller...
School Canteen Roller Shutters

School Canteen Roller Shutters

Do you remember the days of the school canteen? Whether your memories are more turkey twizzler-inspired or Jamie Oliver-thwarted, you will recall the robust roller shutters separating hungry school kids from the canteen staff, food, and property. School canteen roller...
Roller Shutters in Manchester

Roller Shutters in Manchester

Manchester is known for its rich industrial history. In more modern times, it’s known for being second to London in terms of being the busiest city in the UK, housing many headquarters of the UK’s biggest businesses and undergoing several building improvements. If you...